The baby goats amazing me with how quick they can learn. Similar to that of a stubborn dog. They know exactly what I am asking of them but only choose to listen when it suits them best. While I was working on some landscape clean up and moving mulch they were following me nibbling on things here and there and always taking an opportunity to jump on something taller than themselves, including me occasionally when I was caught off guard bending down.
I started bringing wheelbarrows full of rocks from the hillside to stabilize the bottom of the fence in the goat pen. This would be a much easier task with some equipment like a tractor or bobcat but it is what it is and I want to get it over with before snake season is in full blast and they are sunbathing on the rock quarries. The goats don't seem to mind being left to follow me or tied up on a long lead line when they start to cause a ruckus while I work. Soon their full-time home will be complete and they will settle right into their routine of life.
One evening the goats surprised me by standing near the fire as I worked in the garden. The dogs were standing off in the distance, one of which was shivering while the goats happily stood by the warmth without getting singed or stepping into the hot coals. Who knew goats were so darn smart!

Soon the snow will melt and we will have warm evenings and the song of crickets to sit back and listen to in the lounge chair. This time of year is so crisp and energetic with the bright promise of so much life it is truly one of my favorite seasons.
What are some of the things you work on in the Spring? Do you have goats as well that follow you like lost puppies? How do you keep them out of places you wish they wouldn't roam?
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